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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 15, 2020

System generated reminder for surveys

When reminder emails are sent to employees to fill out their surveys either a paragraph on the email advising them that this reminder is a system generated reminder regardless of whether the survey has been returned or not, or alternatively only remind employees whose surveys have not been completed (i.e send to survey numbers not returned). This would reduce the amount of emails we receive advising that their surveys have been completed and returned and asking us to check we have received it

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    Samuel Williams
    Feb 23, 2021

    I think this is a great point.

    Sending reminders to everyone irrespective of whether or not they have already completed a survey is highly likely to cause confusion to those that have already completed it and potentially make them worry that something had gone wrong with their submission.

    Add a description to the email that states something along the lines of "this is a system generated email so please ignore if you have already completed your survey" for example could reduce this.

    May also be worth considering why we send this to everyone? Should this not be sent only to those that have not yet completed a survey? Or is this perhaps an anonymity concern?

    Will promote to a feature to tackle in the next few months.
